Saturday 9 July 2011

Organisational Behaviour - Definition

With the advent of globalization, Organisations are undergoing unprecedented and revolutionary change. From the speed of Decision Making, Technological and Global Perspective pressures, Mergers and Acquisitions, the need to rethink business processes and alliances, Organisations are constantly faced with shifting demands. All these challenges complicate their task of managing an organization. If the managers are to facilitate the smooth functioning of their organization, they have to effectively manage the most important resource available to them, i.e., the human resource. This is where OB plays an important role. OB is a study that helps managers in understanding and analyzing the nature of an organization’s workgroups and the individuals within a work group.

What does Organizational Behaviour study of Organisation

The study of organizational behaviour focuses on three characteristics aspects of organization. These are behaviour, structure and process.

Behaviour: Organizations are created by people to benefit people. In order to understand organization behaviour we must be able to understand the behaviour of individuals. The study of perception, job satisfaction, motivation and learning are all concerned with the behaviour of individuals. The study of behaviour includes how individuals respond to situations exposed to them.
Structure: The term structure refers to the fixed and formal relationships of the organization such as how jobs are assigned to various departments, who reports to whom and how the jobs and departments are arranged in an organizational chart. The structure of an organization has a large influence on behaviour of individuals working and the effectiveness of the organization.
Processes: The term processes in the context of organization refers to the interactions among the members of the organization. Communication, leadership and power are examples of some of the major organizational process.

Defining Organizational behavior 
Keith Davis  defines Organizational Behaviour “An academic discipline concerned with understanding human behaviour, describing human behaviour”. OB is not a discipline like other disciplines. It is an integration of several areas of knowledge such as sociology, psychology, anthropology, political science and economics.
According to Stephen Robbins;“OB is a field of study that investigates the impact of individual, groups and structure have on behaviour within the organisation”. He adds that the purpose of this study is to apply this knowledge and improve the organisational efficiency.
 “ Organizational behaviour is directly concerned with the understanding, prediction and control of human behaviour in organizations “.Fred Luthens
 “ Study and application of knowledge how people act or behave within organization. It is a human tool for human benefit. It applies broadly to the behaviour of people in all types of organizations such as business, government, schools and services organizations “.Davis and Newstorm 
In simple terms Organizational behavior is an academic discipline concerned with describing, understanding, predicting, and controlling human behavior in an organizational environment. It attempts to apply this knowledge in the effective management of human resources in an organization. OB is a discipline that studies the effect of organizational structure and design, and the changes in the organizational environment on the behavior of the workforce.
Source: Organisational Behaviour – Stephen Robbins

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    Importance of Organizational Behavior
