Tuesday 13 August 2013

Personality Dimensions

Authoritarianism refers to build acceptance of authority. Authoritarian people believe in obedience and respect for authority. They rightly adhere to conventional values, are generally conservative endorse strong parental control in keeping the family close and together are concerned with toughness and power, are close minded and are generally less educated.
Because of their beliefs in the hierarchical order they make good followers, work better under directive supervision and are more productive within Authoritarian organizational structure.

Bureaucratic Personality
A Bureaucratic person differs from an Authoritarian person in that his respect of authority is not total and blind. But is based on respect from organizational rules and regulations. A bureaucratic person values subordination, rules, conformity, and orderly process in the organization and impersonal and formal relationships. They are generally not innovative, do not take risks and are at ease in following established directives. Bureaucratic mangers are better supervisors in type of works that are routine repetitive and proceduralised.

Machiavellianism personality emerges in manipulating others for purely personal gains and gaining and keeping control of others. People with Machiavellianism have high level of self-confidence and high self-esteem. They are cool and calculating and have no hesitation in using others or talking advantages of others in orders in order to serve their own goals. They believe that ends justify means and do not feel guilty in using unethical means to serve their own interest. They are skilled in influencing others and they approach the situations thoughtfully and logically. They would not hesitate to lie if necessary and they are not easily swayed by a sense of friendship, trust or loyalty. They are especially successful in exploiting structured situations and vulnerable people.

Locus of Control
Locus of control means whether people believe that they are in control of events or events control them. Those who have an internal sense of control believe that they control and shape the course of events in their life’s, those who have external locus of control tend to believe the events occur purely by chance or because of factors beyond their own control. Former categories of people seek opportunities for advancement, and rely more on their abilities and judgments at work – while later category of people remain mostly inactive and allow the events occur on their own.

Introvert and Extrovert Personalities
Introvert persons are basically shy, prefer to be alone and have difficulty in communicating. Introverts are behaviorally described as quite, introspective, intellectual, well ordered, emotionally unexpressive and value oriented – prefers small group of intimate friends and plans well ahead. Extroverts are outgoing, objective, and aggressive and relate well with people. Introverts are behaviorally described as ‘sociable, lively, impulsive, seeking novelty and change, carefree and emotionally expressive’.

Type A and B Personality
Personality has been grouped into two categories denoted by alphabets A and B Type A people feel a sense of time, urgency, or highly achievement oriented exhibit a competitive drive, and are impatient when their work is slowed for any reason. Such people are more to heart attack. On the other hand type B people are easy going do not have urgency for time and do not experience the competitive drive.

Self Esteem
Self-esteem is a measure of self-confidence and respect for ones abilities and motivation. Self-esteem is positively related to assertiveness, independence and creativity. High self-esteem people are very friendly, affectionate, find it easy to form interpersonal attachment and find good in other people. Low self-esteem people are usually critical of others, are generally depressed and blame others for their own failures.

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