Wednesday 11 July 2012

Emerging Challenges in the Field of OB

1. Workforce Diversity:
               Organizations are becoming increasingly cosmopolitan. Organization specialist must learn to live with diverse behaviors. Managers must learn to respect diversity. Diversity if managed positively enhances creativity and innovation in organization as well as ensures better decision–making by providing different perspectives on problems. When not managed, diversity leads to increased turnover, heightened inter-personal conflict and more strained communication.
2. Changed Employee Expectation:
               Traditional allurements such as job security, attractive remuneration housing does not attract, retain and motivate today’s workforce. Employees demand empowerment and expect equality of status with the management. Empowerment results in redefining jobs, both from the shop floor as well as the boardrooms. Expectations of equality break up the traditional relationship between employer and employee – top to bottom.
3. Globalization:
Growing internationalization of business has its impact on people management. Managements are required to cope with the problems of unfamiliar laws, languages, practices, competitors, attitudes and management styles, work ethics and more. To face this challenge the management must be flexible and pro-active. Being flexible and pro-active the management can make significant contribution to the company’s growth.
1.    Internationalization makes managers to increase their competencies.
2.    Globalization increases the number of managers and professions.
4. Improving Productivity and Quality:
               As organizations are exposed to competition, managers are seriously thinking of improving quality and productivity. In this context managers are implementing programmes like TQM (Total Quality Management) and Re-engineering programmes that requires employee involvement. TQM is a philosophy of management that is inspired by constant attainment of customer satisfaction of all organizational process.
               Re-engineering means radically re-building and redesigning those processes by which we create value for customers.
5. Changing Demographics Of Workforce:
               Major challenges from changing demographics of workforce relate to dual-career couples. Couples where both partners are actively pursuing professional careers. The increase in number of dual career profession limits individual flexibility and may hinder organization flexibility in acquiring and developing talent. Another change in the workforce demographics relates to the growing number of employees who are young.